benzodiazepine addiction treatment


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benzodiazepine addiction

What Are Benzodiazepines?

Benzodiazepine Addiction Treatment Benzodiazepines, commonly known as “benzos,” are a class of pharmaceutical drugs prescribed to address a range of mental disorders and ailments. These powerful medications are primarily used to treat moderate to severe anxiety, panic attacks, epileptic seizures, and withdrawal symptoms associated with other Central Nervous System (CNS) Depressants, such as alcohol. However, due to their high potential for addiction, benzodiazepines are typically prescribed for short-term use. Under the Controlled Substances Act, benzodiazepines are categorized as Schedule IV drugs, subject to strict regulation by the US government. This classification reflects the need for caution and responsible usage of these medications.
Fentanyl Addiction Treatment Luxury Detox Boca Raton

benzo addiction treatment

Still Detox recognizes that medical detox is an effective and safe way to help individuals suffering addiction to benzodiazepine substances like Ativan, and emphasizes the importance of proper assessment and monitoring by a qualified medical professional during the detoxification process to ensure the safety and comfort of those struggling with fentanyl addiction.

How does Benzodiazepines alters human brain?

Benzodiazepines, commonly known as benzos, possess a potent ability to alter the neurochemistry of the brain. With continued use, these drugs accumulate within the body, leading to both physical and psychological dependencies. It is important to note that benzodiazepine addiction can develop even under the care of a physician and within prescribed doses, as these medications are frequently prescribed as anti-anxiety agents across various demographics.

The nature of benzodiazepines being prescription drugs often results in users and their loved ones being unaware of the high risk of addiction and abuse associated with them. Signs of addiction, which can go unnoticed, include the development of tolerance to the sedative effects of the drugs and a disregard for important relationships and activities in favor of obtaining and misusing benzos.



Types of Benzodiazepines

Benzodiazepines are commonly available in the form of pills or tablets, designed for oral consumption. In some cases, certain brands like Valium can also be administered intravenously as a clear, odorless liquid. While the legal use of benzodiazepines requires a valid prescription, it is important to acknowledge the existence of a black market for these drugs.



Street Names of Benzos

On the illicit market, benzodiazepines may be referred to by various street names such as Tranks, Downers, Bars, Sticks, French Fries, Ladders, or simply Benzos.



Effects of Benzodiazepine Drugs

Benzodiazepine drugs interact with specialized neurons called GABA receptors, slowing down excessive brain activity and providing relief from severe mental distress. However, when these drugs are abused, individuals may seek a euphoric “high” or a sensation similar to being under the influence of alcohol, depending on the specific benzodiazepine being misused. These effects are followed by an extended period of sedation.


It is important to emphasize that any use of benzodiazepine drugs outside of a doctor’s recommendation constitutes abuse. Unfortunately, some individuals resort to crushing and snorting benzodiazepine tablets or pills in an attempt to amplify the drug’s potency.

Benzodiazepines List

There are a lot of different Benzodiazepines, in different strengths, for different purposes, and in versions that are meant to be used long and short term.


Here’s a list of benzodiazepines currently in use:

Commonly Prescribed Benzodiazepines
Lorazepam (Ativan)
Clonazepam (Klonopin)
Alprazolam (Xanax)
Short-Term Benzodiazepines
Etizolam (ProSom®)
Flurazepam (Dalmane®)
Temazepam (Restoril®)
Triazolam (Halcion®)
Midazolam (Versed®)
Long-Term Benzodiazepines
Alprazolam (Xanax®)
Chlordiazepoxide (Librium®)
Clorazepate (Tranxene®)
Diazepam (Valium®)
Halazepam (Paxipam®)
Lorazepam (Ativan®)
Oxazepam (Serax®)
Prazepam (Centrax®)
Quazepam (Doral®)
Clonazepam (Klonopin®)

Benzodiazepines encompass a range of medications that address specific needs and conditions. They can help aid insomnia, reduce anxiety and restlessness, and induce amnesia when administered with anesthesia during surgical procedures. However, it is important to acknowledge that despite being taken as prescribed, benzodiazepines can still lead to addiction. Additionally, using benzodiazepines for off-label purposes may entail similar risks and side effects as their intended use.

The most frequently abused of the benzodiazepines in United States are;
Lorazepam and Diazepam. 

signs of benzodiazepine addiction

Adderall can have alarming effects on one’s body.

Firstly, it’s known to slow down, and in extreme cases, stop breathing.

Physical Signs of Benzodiazepine Addiction

Doctor Shopping
Drowsiness and Sedation
Coordination and Balance Issues
Slurred Speech
Changes in Appetite


Behavioral Signs of Benzodiazepine Addiction

Social Isolation
Neglected Responsibilities
Risky Behavior
Secretive Behavior
Financial Problems

Emotional Signs of Benzodiazepine Addiction

Anxiety & Panic Attacks
Mood swings
Increased Sensitivity

Benzo withdrawal symptoms

Day 1 – 3

During the first three days of benzo withdrawal, individuals may experience a range of challenging symptoms. These can include rebound anxiety, which is a heightened sense of anxiety compared to baseline levels. Sleep disturbances are common, with difficulties falling asleep or staying asleep. Mood swings, irritability, and restlessness may also be present during this initial phase.

Day 4 – 7
Between day four and day seven of withdrawal, symptoms may intensify. Headaches, nausea, and gastrointestinal discomfort could become more pronounced. Muscle pain and weakness might also manifest during this time, making physical discomfort more prominent.

Week 2 – 4
During weeks two to four, the withdrawal process may still be challenging. Intense cravings for the drug can arise, and individuals may experience heightened anxiety and depression. It is essential to seek support and medical guidance during this period to manage these emotional and psychological symptoms effectively.

Week 5+

As time progresses beyond the first month of withdrawal, the intensity of symptoms generally begins to decrease. However, it’s important to note that some lingering effects may persist for several weeks or even months after discontinuing benzodiazepine use. It is crucial to remain patient and seek appropriate medical care and support to ensure a safe and successful recovery journey.

It is important to note that the timeline and severity of withdrawal symptoms can vary from person to person. Seeking medically managed withdrawal with the use of medications can help alleviate  symptoms and reduce the risk of relapse.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), taking opioids in combination with benzodiazepines like Benzodiazepines can increase the risk of life-threatening overdose, as both types of drugs can cause sedation and suppress breathing.

Benzo Withdrawal: Risks and Recovery

Withdrawal from benzos, poses significant challenges and potential dangers. When individuals cease or significantly reduce their benzo dosage, they may experience withdrawal symptoms that can be severe and even life-threatening. Benzo withdrawal is a complex process, and it is crucial to understand the risks involved and seek proper support.

One of the primary risks associated with benzo withdrawal is the potential for seizures, coma, and other serious complications. The abrupt discontinuation of benzodiazepines can disrupt the delicate balance of brain chemistry, leading to adverse neurological effects. It is vital to approach benzo withdrawal with caution and under the guidance of healthcare professionals who can provide appropriate tapering schedules and medical supervision.


Combining benzodiazepines with other substances, such as alcohol or opioids, during the withdrawal process can further heighten the risks. The interaction between benzos and these central nervous system depressants can increase the likelihood of respiratory depression and other life-threatening outcomes. It is crucial to avoid mixing substances and to seek professional guidance when withdrawing from benzos.


To safely withdraw from benzos, it is essential to develop a comprehensive plan that includes medical supervision, gradual tapering of the medication, and appropriate support. Healthcare professionals can tailor an individualized approach based on factors such as the specific benzodiazepine used, duration of use, and overall health. They can also provide strategies to manage withdrawal symptoms and minimize potential complications.

Remember, benzo withdrawal is a challenging process, and it is not recommended to attempt it alone or without proper medical guidance. Seeking support from addiction specialists, therapists, and support groups can be instrumental in navigating the withdrawal process and promoting a successful recovery.

If you or someone you know is considering withdrawing from benzos, reach out to Still Detox to ensure a safe and supported journey toward recovery.


Benzo Detox

The initial step in addressing a benzodiazepine addiction is the crucial process of benzo detox, which involves eliminating the drug from the individual’s system. However, this phase must be undertaken with caution, as improper withdrawal can lead to dangerous side effects, including potentially fatal outcomes.


Quitting Benzo Cold Turkey

without proper supervision can even pose lethal risks. To ensure safety and mitigate severe symptoms such as seizures and suicidal behavior, a supervising physician should closely monitor the benzo detox process.

Approximately 20-30 percent of individuals undergoing untreated benzodiazepine withdrawal may experience grand mal seizures, highlighting the importance of medical supervision during benzo detox.

Medical detox provides a safe and healthy environment for individuals to cleanse their bodies from the drug while reducing the discomfort of withdrawal. By minimizing the chances of relapse, medical detox plays a pivotal role in the recovery journey. The duration of benzo detox can vary, lasting several months depending on the specific benzodiazepine used and the duration of prior use.



Tapering Down Benzodiazepine


Tapering down benzodiazepine use is a common approach during medical detox. This method involves gradually reducing the dose or transitioning to a less potent benzodiazepine. The specific tapering strategy is determined based on the severity of addiction and the type of benzodiazepine that was misused.


Diazepam (Valium) and Clonazepam (Klonopin)
are often utilized for tapering down during benzodiazepine detox. These medications, known for their longer-acting properties and lower potency compared to other benzodiazepines, help manage withdrawal symptoms as individuals gradually decrease their dosage.

During the detox period, certain medications can assist in alleviating withdrawal symptoms. Here are a couple of examples:


This medication is commonly prescribed to individuals with generalized anxiety disorder who have a history of substance abuse. Buspirone does not cause physical dependence and can help alleviate the emotional effects of withdrawal. It’s important to note that buspirone may take a couple of weeks to take full effect, so individuals in detox may start taking it as they gradually taper off their benzodiazepine doses.


Primarily used for treating benzodiazepine overdoses, flumazenil has demonstrated some success in reducing withdrawal symptoms associated with long-acting benzodiazepines. By binding to the same pleasure centers in the brain as benzodiazepines, flumazenil can block their effects and provide relief from withdrawal symptoms. It may also be used in rapid detox methods to accelerate the removal of benzodiazepines from the body. However, caution should be exercised when using rapid detox methods, as they can intensify withdrawal symptoms.

What are the risks and dangers of abruptly stopping the use of Ativan?

Abruptly discontinuing the use of Ativan after long-term use can lead to serious risks and dangers.
Ativan, when taken as prescribed, functions by calming the body and slowing down the central nervous system. However, individuals who suddenly stop taking Ativan after long-term use may experience withdrawal symptoms such as headache, anxiety, muscle tension, depressive symptoms, sleep difficulties, restlessness, confusion, increased irritability, and sweating. In some cases, more severe side effects such as shortness of breath or passing out may occur. Moreover, people who take higher doses of Ativan have an increased risk of adverse withdrawal reactions after discontinuation or rapid dosage reduction.

It is important to note that the timeline and severity of withdrawal symptoms can vary from person to person. Seeking medically managed withdrawal with the use of medications can help alleviate  symptoms and reduce the risk of relapse.

signs of Benzodiazepine Overdose

Learn the crucial signs of Benzodiazepine overdose to ensure timely detection and intervention during emergencies, which can potentially save lives.

Physical Signs of Benzodiazepine Overdose

Dizziness and loss of coordination
Confusion and disorientation
Nausea and vomiting
Slowed or shallow breathing
Extreme drowsines

Behavioral Signs of Benzodiazepine Overdose

Extreme drowsiness
Uncharacteristic mood changes
Disorientation and confusion
Inability to focus or concentrate
Lack of coordination
cocaine addiction treatment

Benzo addiction treatment

Still Detox offers confidential and free treatment consultancy and information services 24/7 for anyone who needs help with addiction or substance abuse issues. If you are worried about your use of Ativan or any other drug, it is important to seek help from a healthcare professional immediately. Our team can provide advice on managing your addiction and help you find the best treatment options tailored to your individual needs.

Benzodiazepine Addiction Treatment
in Boca Raton, Florida

If you or a loved one is struggling with benzodiazepine addiction, take the first step towards recovery today. At Still Detox, we understand the challenges of overcoming addiction and provide comprehensive treatment specifically designed for benzodiazepine addiction.


Don’t let addiction control your life any longer. Make the call to Still Detox today and embark on your journey towards lasting recovery. Our dedicated staff is here to support you every step of the way. Remember, recovery is possible, and a brighter, healthier future awaits. Take that crucial step and reclaim your life. Contact Still Detox now.


Fentanyl Addiction Treatment Luxury Detox


We develop customized treatment plans that are tailored to each client's unique needs, ensuring they are best positioned to achieve a successful recovery from addiction.


Experienced Staff

Our team comprises a skilled cohort of physicians, counselors, and nurses, among others. We possess the expertise to equip you with the necessary resources to overcome substance abuse and establish sustainable healing.



Still Detox is located in Boca Raton, FL in a quiet, peaceful, and relaxing location that will allow anyone the chance to get away and focus on their recovery.



Receiving the necessary treatment for addiction should not be limited by financial means, although it can pose a difficulty. For this reason, We have various self-pay and financing options available.

Benzo addiction treatment in boca raton florida

Still Detox: A safe and supportive place to heal and grow