The term candy flipping is used to describe the intense combination experienced after taking mdma and acid (LSD or lysergic acid diethylamide). When combined, according to Reddit; users often report that MDMA can reduce the anxiety sometimes caused by LSD, making the trip more enhanced. MDMA can amplify the sensory and emotional effects of LSD, leading to a deeply immersive experience.

According to NIDA, the combination and effects of these drugs are referred to as synergistic effects.

Candy Flipping Effects

This practice leads to a range of sensory, emotional, and physical experiences that are often described as synergistic, where the combined impact of the two drugs is greater than the sum of their individual effects. Here are the primary effects experienced during candy flipping:

Emotional and Psychological Effects

  1. Euphoria and Empathy: MDMA is known for inducing intense feelings of euphoria, empathy, and emotional warmth, which can make the LSD experience more emotionally positive and connected.
  2. Altered Thought Processes: LSD can cause profound changes in thought patterns, including altered perceptions of time and space, introspective insights, and creative thinking.
  3. Reduced Anxiety: MDMA’s effects can help mitigate the anxiety or paranoia sometimes associated with LSD, making the overall experience more comfortable.

Physical Effects

  1. Increased Energy: MDMA provides a stimulating effect, increasing energy levels and physical activity.
  2. Physical Sensations: Users might experience heightened tactile sensations, which can range from pleasurable to uncomfortable.

Potential Negative Effects

  1. Overstimulation: The combined stimulating effects of both drugs can lead to increased heart rate, high blood pressure, and physical discomfort.
  2. Dehydration and Hyperthermia: MDMA can cause excessive sweating and dehydration, which can be exacerbated by physical activity.
  3. Cognitive Overload: The intense sensory and emotional stimulation can be overwhelming, leading to confusion, anxiety, or panic attacks.

Risks of Candy Flipping

Candy flipping can produce intense experiences, but it also comes with significant risks. The combination of these powerful substances can lead to a range of adverse physical, psychological, and emotional effects.

  1. Physical and Mental Health: The combination can put significant stress on the cardiovascular system and can lead to dehydration, hyperthermia, and other physical risks. Psychologically, the intense effects can be overwhelming, leading to panic, paranoia, or anxiety.
  2. Serotonin Syndrome: Both substances affect serotonin levels in the brain, and using them together increases the risk of serotonin syndrome, a potentially life-threatening condition.

Unknown Drug Interactions of MDMA

MDMA is frequently contaminated with other substances, and it is not always pure. Adulterants commonly found in Ecstasy include methamphetamine, ketamine, cocaine, cathinone, and caffeine. This production and purity creates bigger problems such as unknown drug interactions and potential side effects.

Intense Comedown Effects of Using MDMA and LSD

Physical Effects

  1. Fatigue: After the stimulating effects of MDMA and the mentally taxing experience of LSD, users often feel extreme tiredness and physical exhaustion.
  2. Dehydration: MDMA can cause dehydration, and users may still feel the effects of this once the drug wears off.
  3. Headaches and Muscle Aches: These are common due to the physical strain and lack of proper hydration during the high.

Mental and Emotional Effects

  1. Mood Swings and Depression: MDMA releases large amounts of serotonin, leading to feelings of euphoria during the high. As the brain’s serotonin levels drop, users can experience significant mood swings and feelings of depression.
  2. Anxiety and Irritability: The drop in serotonin and the mentally demanding nature of an LSD trip can result in heightened anxiety and irritability.
  3. Cognitive Fog and Confusion: Users might find it difficult to think clearly or focus, experiencing a cognitive fog as they recover from the intense mental effects of the substances.

Strategies to Mitigate the Comedown

  1. Hydration and Nutrition: Drinking plenty of water and eating nutritious food can help alleviate some physical symptoms.
  2. Rest and Sleep: Getting adequate rest and sleep is crucial to allow the body and mind to recover.
  3. Emotional Support: Having supportive friends or a calm environment can help manage the emotional and psychological aspects of the comedown.
  4. Supplements: Some users find that supplements like 5-HTP (a serotonin precursor) or vitamins can help replenish neurotransmitter levels, though this should be done with caution and ideally under medical advice.

Drug cravings after doing candy flipping

The substantial release of serotonin and its subsequent depletion can create a strong desire for more due to the initial euphoric effects. This often leaves users feeling low and driven to seek the high again.