Dual Diagnosis Treatment for Addiction

Still Detox treats both mental health disorders and substance abuse issues concurrently through Dual Diagnosis

Dual Diagnosis

Dual diagnosis, or co-occurring disorders, refers to the presence of both a mental illness and a substance use disorder in an individual. It has become increasingly prevalent in the United States, with studies showing that up to 50% of individuals with a substance use disorder also have a mental health condition.



Individuals facing both conditions simultaneously often struggle to access treatment, leading to complications such as increased risk of relapse and difficulty managing symptoms.

dual diagnosis treatment boca raton

Dual diagnosis treatment addresses both mental health and substance use disorders simultaneously, ensuring comprehensive and effective care.

Integrated treatment combines therapeutic interventions to address the interconnected nature of mental health and substance abuse, promoting better outcomes.


Treating both disorders concurrently increases the chances of sustained recovery and enhances overall well-being.


By addressing both mental health and substance use, dual diagnosis treatment empowers individuals to regain control of their lives and enjoy a higher quality of life.

what is the effective treatment for dual diagnosis?

Effective treatment for dual diagnosis involves addressing both mental health and substance abuse issues together. A combination of therapies, such as individual counseling, group therapy, and psychopharmacological interventions, should be used. Treatment should also take a holistic approach, considering the physical, mental, and emotional needs of the individual.


Dual diagnosis can cause various physical complications, including insomnia, impaired immunity, poor nutrition, and an increased risk of overdose or self-harm. Additionally, managing dual diagnoses often involves additional medications, which can have their own side effects that need careful management by medical professionals. 

Seeking professional help and appropriate services is essential for individuals with dual diagnosis to manage the physical complications associated with their condition.

cocaine rehab addiction treatment florida

dual diagnosis treatment in boca raton, FL

At Still Detox Luxury Rehab in Boca Raton, patients benefit from 24/7 medical monitoring and specialized treatments such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and holistic therapies such as yoga, mindfulness practice, and nutrition counseling; allowing for a safe and successful first step towards long-term recovery for those struggling with alcohol use disorder(AUD)

What are co-occurring disorders?

Co-occurring disorders, also known as dual diagnosis or comorbidity, refer to the presence of one or more mental health conditions that coexist with addiction. Common mental health conditions include depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Diagnosing these disorders is a crucial step in the treatment of substance abuse because it allows healthcare providers to address both the addiction and underlying mental health issues. 


A skilled healthcare provider can assess an individual’s symptoms, provide an accurate diagnosis, and recommend an appropriate course of treatment. A comprehensive treatment plan can help individuals achieve long-term sobriety and improve overall functioning.

Some common signs of dual diagnosis disorders include:

Chronic relapse despite attempts at abstinence
A pattern of unsuccessful attempts at recovery
Persistent thoughts or cravings related to drug or alcohol use
Struggles managing emotions or behaviors without substance abuse
Difficulty maintaining healthy relationships or social activities without substance abuse

Some common co-occurring disorders and their basic signs and symptoms include:


Shifts between manic and depressive episodes

Mood swings

Changes in personality and interests

Changes in sleep and behavior patterns


Sudden, unexplained sensations of panic, fear, or worry
Sense of impending tragedy or doom
Hesitation to act in social or professional settings
High stress levels


A past experience with violence, abuse, neglect or other trauma
Flashbacks or nightmares
Sudden mood swings
Fear or avoidance of triggers

bipolar disorder

Lack of motivation

Feelings of worthlessness
Misplaced guilt or shame


Repetitive behaviors or other distinct behavior patterns

A compulsive need to engage in such behaviors
Self-blame or low self-esteem
Panic attacks or anxiety

eating disorders

Food avoidance
Inability to control eating
Obsession with body image
Low self-esteem

How to overcome risk of relapse in Dual Diagnosis?

To overcome the risk of relapse in dual diagnosis, it is essential to create a comprehensive treatment plan that meets an individual’s specific needs. This may involve a combination of psychotherapy, medications, lifestyle changes, and peer support groups. It is also crucial to develop healthy habits that promote physical and mental wellbeing, such as regular exercise, nutritious eating, mindfulness practices, and adequate sleep.


Regular psychological evaluations are important to monitor progress in recovery and detect any potential warning signs of relapse, which can be addressed promptly. Building a strong support network of family members and peers who understand the challenges associated with dual diagnosis and want to support one’s recovery is also vital.

By gaining insight into one’s triggers and implementing these strategies, individuals can be better equipped to face the risk of relapse head-on and achieve long-term sobriety.

The Link Between Addiction and Mental Health: Understanding and Addressing Dual Diagnosis

Addiction can worsen existing mental health conditions by leading to feelings of low self-worth, isolation and depression. Substance abuse can also make symptoms of an underlying condition more difficult to manage, such as reducing the effectiveness of medications that are used to help reduce symptoms. Furthermore, substance use can interfere with treatment plans and progress made toward recovery. When an individual is in active addiction, their mind and body become used to the presence of drugs or alcohol which makes it extremely difficult for them to cope with the demands and stressors of daily life without using substances. This often leads to further deterioration of mental health and increases the risk of relapse.

Adderall Side Effects: Eating disorders

This substance abuse can have a significant effect on individual’s suffering from eating disorders. The drug can interfere with the natural physiological processes necessary for healthy weight management and can alter levels of hormones that are important in maintaining a healthy appetite. 

Furthermore, it is thought that Adderall may trigger feelings of anxiety or dysphoria which could lead to extreme restrictive behaviors such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa.

Adderall misuse in individuals with existing eating disorders may act as a form of self-medication and can have a numbing effect, temporarily cloaking any underlying emotions that may be driving their disordered behaviors. This makes it difficult for those struggling with Adderall abuse and eating disorders to address the underlying issues without professional help.

We offer you the best support to overcome your addiction



The initial stage of the recovery process is crucial and can be quite challenging. However, our team is dedicated to providing a comfortable and safe experience throughout this process, making it a top priority for our detoxification program.


Inpatient Treatment

Our luxury treatment center located in Boca Raton, FL, we provide an environment free from distractions, allowing our residents to fully concentrate on their recovery and rest. Our team is committed to providing individualized treatment to each resident.


Dual Diagnosis

At our treatment center, we adopt an integrated approach to address dual diagnosis, finding key elements to helping ensure that substance use disorders and mental health disorders are treated effectively and simultaneously.


12 Step Program

Our 12 step program is founded upon the core principles of honesty, openness, and willingness, which have demonstrated time and again to be key ingredients in successful recovery from addiction.


Non 12 Step

At Still Detox Boca Raton, we acknowledge that a 12-step program may not align with the preferences or needs of every individual seeking addiction recovery. We provide a range of alternative recovery programs to help overcome addiction.


Residential Treatment

Residential treatment at Still Detox employs a comprehensive approach to care that has proven to be extremely successful in supporting patients in their journey toward long-term recovery and enhancing their overall well-being.

At Still Detox, we provide an environment that helps detoxification and relaxation




Service Animals Are Welcomed

At our rehabilitation center, we believe that recovery should never come at the cost of leaving behind your service animal or altering your lifestyle. That’s why, unlike most facilities, we welcome service animals with open arms!

We understand the important role that these animals play in your life, and we’re committed to accommodating them throughout your journey with us.

“Still Detox deserves more than five stars.
You are treated with the utmost respect and kindness from the nurses and techs.

The facility is so comfortable and clean.

If you or a loved one need a detox facility this is the best place to go.”

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years of combined expertise in drug addiction treatment.

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Proven Therapies Used to Ensure Long Term Abstinence & Recovery

Integrated Hollistic Approach

Addiction recovery requires an integrated, holistic approach to be successful. It’s not enough to address only the physical symptoms of addiction. A comprehensive approach that includes the mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of an individual’s well-being provides a fuller understanding of what leads to substance abuse and how to overcome it.

At Still Detox, we recognize the importance of a holistic approach to addiction recovery and offer personalized care plans tailored to each client’s specific needs and goals. 

dual diagnosis treatment near me

Still Detox: A safe and supportive place to heal and grow