Farmapram, which is the brand name for alprazolam in Mexico, is used to treat anxiety and panic disorders. While Farmapram is similar to the American brand ‘Xanax,’ it is not subject to regulation or inspection and may contain harmful additives such as fentanyl. In Mexico, people can buy up to 50 Farmapram pills over the counter without a prescription.

During several drug investigations, counterfeit Farmapram pills were seized. According to the lab results, these pills were found to be laced with fentanyl.

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What is Farmapram, Mexican Xanax Bars?

Farmapram is prescribed in Mexico to people suffering from anxiety and depression. Alprazolam falls under the category of benzodiazepines.
In the U.S., the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) lists alprazolam alongside other Schedule IV drugs such as;

Schedule IV controlled substances have a low risk of abuse and dependence.

What Does Farmapram Look Like?

Mexican Xanax pills are identifiable by their long, rectangular shape, often divided into four sections but without specific imprints.
They are available in 0.25 mg, 0.50 mg, 1 mg, and 2 mg doses.

farmapram pills

What are the Effects of Farmapram?

Farmapram contains alprazolam, which enhances the activity of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain. This neurotransmitter helps in reducing nervousness and inducing a sense of calm, making Farmapram effective but also prone to misuse due to its sedative properties.

The effects of Farmapram include:

  • Mood swings
  • Sedation
  • Confusion
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Involuntary movements
  • Low energy
  • Passing out
  • Lowered libido
  • Skin problems
  • Poor coordination and decision-making
  • Paranoia
  • Blurred vision
  • Heart problems
  • Hypotension
  • Vomiting and nausea

Can I Bring Farmapram into the U.S.?

People can bring Farmapram when these conditions are met;

  • Up to 50 pills can be bought in Mexico without a prescription.
  • The medication must be in its original container with proper labeling.
  • A valid prescription or doctor’s note is required for larger quantities.
  • FDA, TSA, and CBP regulations apply, scrutinizing the medication’s purpose and quantity.
  • Only a 90-day supply is allowed without special shipping arrangements.

How much are Mexican Xanax Bars?

The price for a single pill of Farmapram changes from $3 to $5 for 0.25 and 1 mg.

The Dangers and Risks of Farmapram, Mexican Xanax

Farmapram, like Xanax, has a high risk of addiction. These unregulated pills are often sold on social media platforms under the same name, with a possible risk of contamination with opioids like fentanyl and oxycodone, causing more severe withdrawal symptoms and creating the danger of addiction. The DEA has issued a public safety alert about this issue, alarming the public about the severe consequences of using these unregulated pills.

Escalated Anxiety and Depression

Ironically, while Farmapram is used to alleviate anxiety, prolonged use or abuse can exacerbate the very symptoms it aims to treat. Users may experience a rebound effect, where anxiety symptoms intensify upon discontinuation. Similarly, long-term use can deepen the severity of depression, creating a vicious cycle of dependency and deteriorating mental health.

Risk of Psychosis

A less common but severe complication of abusing Mexican Xanax is psychosis. This condition involves a disconnection from reality, characterized by symptoms like heightened anxiety, delusions, paranoia, and vivid hallucinations. Such effects underscore the profound impact of Farmapram on brain function and neurotransmitters.

Memory Impairment

Consistent use of Farmapram can lead to memory issues. While some may experience short-term memory lapses, others might suffer long-lasting cognitive effects even after stopping the drug.

The Addiction Cycle

The addictive nature of benzodiazepines like Farmapram is well-documented. Prolonged or improper use can lead to a dependency that is challenging to break without professional intervention. Withdrawal from Mexican Xanax is a process that necessitates medical supervision to ensure safety, comfort, and a higher likelihood of successful recovery.


What is the Difference Between Xanax and Farmapram?

While Xanax and Farmapram share the common active ingredient, Alprazolam, and serve similar therapeutic roles in alleviating anxiety and panic disorders, they are not identical twins in the pharmaceutical world.

Xanax vs Farmapram

Origin: Xanax is predominantly sold in the United States, while Farmapram is a product of Mexico, reflecting differences in regulatory standards.

Pricing: Xanax tends to be more expensive in the U.S., leading some Americans to purchase the more affordable Farmapram from Mexico.

Manufacturing: Xanax is manufactured by the global pharmaceutical company Pfizer, whereas Ifa Celtics produces Farmapram.

Prescription: Xanax, requiring a prescription in the U.S., contrasts with Farmapram, available over-the-counter in Mexico.

Price: Due to its higher cost in the U.S., some individuals opt for the more budget-friendly Farmapram from Mexico.

Risks: Farmapram, due to less stringent regulations in Mexico, potentially carries higher risks of counterfeit and impurity compared to the FDA-regulated Xanax.

Feature/Characteristic Authentic Xanax Mexican Xanax
Prescription Requirement Required Not Required / Not Regulated
Availability Pharmacies with Prescription Often Illegally on the Street or Unregulated Markets
Contamination Risk Low / Controlled High
Fentanyl Contamination Unlikely High Risk
Counterfeit Risk Low High
Street Name Xanax Often Sold as Xanax or Under Various Street Names

Abusing Mexican Xanax Bars

Farmapram and Xanax abuse is a growing concern, with users often seeking the drug’s relaxing effects. However, when combined with other substances like alcohol or opioids, the risks of health complications and overdose increase significantly. The presence of fentanyl in counterfeit Farmapram heightens these risks, as even small amounts of this potent opioid can be lethal.

Seeking Help for Xanax Addiction

Given the multitude of risks associated with Farmapram, particularly the alarming possibility of fentanyl contamination, it is crucial to approach its use with extreme caution and to seek professional help for withdrawal and addiction treatment. The journey to recovery should be navigated with the support and guidance of healthcare professionals, ensuring a safer and more effective path to overcoming dependency.


How strong is Farmapram?

Farmapram, available in 1mg and 2mg dosages, mirrors the chemical potency of Xanax, as both are forms of alprazolam. The primary difference lies in their branding.

Is Mexican Xanax dangerous?

Regardless of its origin, Xanax poses significant dangers when misused. However, Mexican Xanax, or Farmapram, has additional risks. The U.S. State Department has issued warnings about counterfeit medications prevalent in Mexico, often sold in regular pharmacies. A major concern is the presence of fentanyl in these counterfeits, a substance known for its extreme addictiveness and lethal potential, particularly in unregulated pharmacy settings in tourist areas and border regions.

Does Mexican Xanax contain Fentanyl?

Not all Farmapram pills contain fentanyl, but the risk of encountering counterfeit pills laced with it is significant. The DEA and FDA caution that purchasing Farmapram in Mexico carries a high risk of inadvertently buying these dangerous counterfeits.

Is it dangerous to purchase Mexican Xanax?

Buying Mexican Xanax carries substantial risks. Investigations reveal that some Mexican drugstores import raw materials from China without adequate fentanyl testing. Others, linked to drug cartels, intentionally contaminate medications with fentanyl. Avoiding street dealers and online sources, and instead obtaining a legitimate prescription from a licensed doctor, is the safest approach to avoid counterfeit, fentanyl-laced pills.

What does Mexican Xanax look like?

Distinguishing between genuine and counterfeit Xanax by appearance alone is challenging, as both look quite similar. Mexican Xanax, or Farmapram, typically comes as white rectangular bars without imprints, packaged in brown glass jars containing 30 bars or boxed in blisters of 30 to 90 pills.

What is Farmapram used for?

Farmapram’s uses align with those of American Xanax, targeting panic and anxiety disorders and even chemotherapy-induced nausea. It may also be prescribed off-label for conditions like insomnia, depression, and social phobia. However, due to benzodiazepines’ addictive nature, their use should be restricted to FDA-approved treatments to avoid severe side effects.

Are there any risks of using Mexican Xanax bars?

The most significant danger of using Mexican Xanax bars is the potential for fentanyl contamination. This practice of lacing pills is often aimed at enhancing the drug’s effects and trapping users in a cycle of addiction. Numerous fatalities have occurred due to such contaminated pills.

Conclusion: The Risks of  Mexican Xanax Farmapram

Farmapram, available over-the-counter in Mexico, differs significantly from the strictly regulated Xanax in the U.S. This ease of access poses risks like misuse and counterfeit pills, some containing dangerous substances like fentanyl. It’s crucial to use Farmapram cautiously and under medical advice to avoid these risks.

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Counterfeit Opioids and Fentanyl