Posts About Substance Abuse

is prozac addictive

Is Prozac Addictive?

Antidepressants often spark curiosity and concern about their impact over time. Is Prozac addictive? Prozac, or fluoxetine, stands as a pillar of modern mental health

Is Lyrica an Opioid?

Lyrica, known as pregabalin, treats nerve pain and seizures, but is lyrica an opioid? its calming effects and misuse potential often blur lines with opioids.

Phenibut Withdrawal

Phenibut Withdrawal

Phenibut, a synthetic GABA-like compound sold online as a supplement, is used for anxiety, sleep, or cognitive enhancement, but its unregulated nature hides a serious

what is feining

What Is Feining?

The term feining, frequently a misspelling of “fiending,” surfaces in conversations about addiction, signaling an intense craving for drugs or alcohol. As addiction treatment specialists,

quitting vaping timeline

Quitting Vaping Timeline

Deciding to quit vaping is a significant step towards improving your health and well-being. However, understanding the process and what to expect during vaping cessation

amotivational syndrome

Amotivational Syndrome

Amotivational syndrome is a condition characterized by a significant loss of drive, diminished interest in activities, and a persistent state of apathy. This syndrome is