What is Drug Flipping?

Drug flipping, including Jedi flipping, refers to the practice of combining two or more substances—typically a hallucinogen and MDMA—taken at timed intervals to maximize their effects. For example, taking a psychedelic like LSD or shrooms makes you “trip,” and consuming MDMA makes you “roll.” When these are combined, it’s known as a “flip,” with Jedi flips being one of the most intense variations.

The growing popularity of drug flipping, particularly Jedi flipping and Hippie flipping, has been driven by increased access to substances through the dark web, making previously hard-to-find drugs like LSD and 2C-B more accessible. Online platforms, especially Reddit, have further fueled this trend by encouraging users to experiment, share their experiences, and push their limits—often disregarding the serious risks involved.

Drug flipping is simply poly-drug abuse with a catchy name.

The increasing popularity of Hippie flip and other flips is a reflection of the influence of online drug culture. With more individuals grappling with mental health and addiction, and the dark web making drugs more accessible than ever, the trend of drug flipping, including Hippie flips, continues to rise.

jedi and hippie flipping

What is Jedi Flipping?

Jedi flipping is a combination of LSD, psilocybin mushrooms(shrooms), and MDMA, sought by those looking for a powerful and prolonged psychedelic experience.

Timing and Dosage Recommendations:

LSD: Dosage of 1-2 tabs (100-200 µg per tab), taken first.
Psilocybin Mushrooms: Dosage of 2-4.5 grams, depending on tolerance. Taken 30-60 minutes after LSD.
MDMA: Dosage of 0.5-1 full pill (100-200 mg), taken 1.5 to 2 hours after consuming the mushrooms.

Many users advise waiting until the effects of LSD are fully noticeable before taking shrooms to avoid nausea. Some users also take a second dose of MDMA later in the Jedi flipping trip to prolong euphoria, though this increases risks.

Risks: MDMA can cause heatstroke, overhydration, and neurotoxicity, while LSD and mushrooms can lead to intense psychological effects like anxiety, paranoia, or even psychosis. The full Jedi flip trip can last 12-24 hours, with the comedown stretching over several days in some cases.

Candy Flipping: LSD and MDMA

Candy flipping, the combination of LSD and MDMA, has been one of the most popular flips since the 1990s. Typically, users take MDMA about four hours after LSD, enhancing the peak of the acid trip with MDMA’s euphoric effects.

However, candy flipping is particularly risky for first-time acid users. Online drug culture has increasingly pushed toward more extreme experiences, encouraging users to push their limits. Risks include bad trips filled with paranoia, exacerbating mental health issues, and in some cases, long-lasting psychological effects.

Hippie Flipping: Psilocybin Mushrooms and MDMA

Hippie flipping or Hippie flip combines psilocybin mushrooms and MDMA, creating a more intense trip than candy flipping due to the stronger nature of mushrooms. Users typically take MDMA first, followed by mushrooms about 30-60 minutes later. This allows the MDMA’s euphoria to kick in before the mushroom trip peaks.

The hippie flipping trip lasts 8-12 hours, but the comedown can stretch up to 24 hours, leaving users exhausted. Hippie flip also significantly increases the risk of serotonin syndrome, as both MDMA and mushrooms elevate serotonin levels in the brain. Side effects include nausea, jaw clenching, dizziness, and emotional sensitivity during the comedown. While not as intense as Jedi flipping, the dangers of Hippie flips should not be underestimated.

Read: The Risks of Hippie Flips During Festivals

Nexus Flipping: MDMA and 2C-B

Nexus flipping combines MDMA with 2C-B, a psychedelic often described as the “baby” of MDMA and LSD for its euphoric and visual effects. Available in powder or pill form, 2C-B has gained popularity in club scenes for its interaction with light and music. However, like many psychedelics, 2C-B can cause hallucinogen persisting perception disorder (HPPD), where visual distortions linger long after the drug wears off.

In a Nexus flip, users take 2C-B as MDMA’s effects begin to fade, intensifying the trip about 45 minutes later. Although not as intense as Jedi flip, Nexus flips still carry significant risks of long-term psychological damage, including persistent visual disturbances.

Kitty Flipping: MDMA and Ketamine

Kitty flipping combines MDMA and ketamine, producing both a dissociative and euphoric experience. Typically, users take MDMA first and introduce ketamine as the MDMA effects begin. This flip is especially dangerous due to the unpredictable interaction between MDMA and ketamine. MDMA’s neurotoxicity combined with ketamine’s potential for bladder damage and psychological harm makes this combination particularly risky.

Kitty flips usually last 6-8 hours, with risks including heatstroke, water intoxication, and long-term brain damage.

Dangers of Mixing MDMA with Mushrooms

Increased Potency and Dangerous Adulterants in MDMA 

In recent years, there has been a notable rise in MDMA being laced with dangerous substances like Fentanyl, Nitazenes, Bromazolam, and N-ethylpentylone. These additives do not show up in standard drug tests, and N-ethylpentylone can cause temporary psychosis, making it particularly dangerous as it often resembles MDMA in crystalline form.

MDMA is also much stronger now than in the 1990s.

The Loop reports that today’s average MDMA pill contains 181 mg, compared to the recommended dose of 75-125 mg. More alarming, one in ten pills contains over 250 mg, significantly increasing the risk of overdose during Jedi flipping and other flips involving MDMA.

Drug flipping, particularly Jedi flipping, can lead to polysubstance dependence and combined drug intoxication, which dramatically raise the chances of overdose and death.

How Mixing MDMA with Mushrooms Affect Your Body?

Risks of Using LSD, MDMA, and Shrooms in Jedi Flips and Hippie Flips

Combining LSD, MDMA, and mushrooms(shrooms) in Jedi flips or Hippie flips presents serious risks. A key concern is serotonin syndrome, a dangerous condition where elevated serotonin levels cause muscle cramps, high body temperature, and cardiac arrhythmia. Mushrooms increase this risk by preventing serotonin reuptake, allowing serotonin to linger in the brain longer.

MDMA also disrupts heart rhythms and can cause oxidative stress, while mushrooms raise blood pressure and heart rate, further increasing the risk of heart complications. This combination also heightens neurotoxicity by overstimulating brain cells.

Side effects during Jedi flips and Hippie flips include nausea, jaw clenching, dizziness, and insomnia. Testing your substances and using conservative doses can lower, but not eliminate, these risks. Individuals with heart conditions should avoid these flips, and having a sober companion is crucial for safety.

Who Should Avoid Drug Flipping?

While drug flipping, especially Jedi flipping and Hippie Flipping, is dangerous for anyone, certain people are at heightened risk. Those with pre-existing health conditions, especially heart problems, or those taking medications like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) or monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) should completely avoid flips. Combining MDMA with these medications can dramatically increase the risk of serotonin syndrome.

Even with measures like conservative dosing and drug testing, the dangers of Hippie flipping and other flips are substantial. The safest option is to avoid poly-drug use altogether.

Harm Reduction Strategies for Drug Flipping

Flipping drugs, especially Jedi flipping, is far from safe. However, for those determined to experiment with these flips, it’s crucial to know the risks and take steps to minimize harm. Here are some essential harm reduction strategies for drug flipping:

  1. Test Your Drugs for Purity
    Always use drug testing kits to check for dangerous adulterants like fentanyl before a Jedi flip.
  2. Start with Low Doses
    Begin with small amounts to reduce the risk of overdose when trying any drug flip, especially for first-timers.
  3. Stay Hydrated Safely
    Drink water moderately to avoid dehydration, but don’t overdo it—overhydration (hyponatremia) can be fatal.
  4. Have a Sober Companion
    Ensure someone in your group remains sober to monitor and help in case of an emergency during your flip.
  5. Choose a Safe Environment
    Flip in a comfortable, familiar place to reduce anxiety or bad trips.
  6. Avoid Mixing with Medications
    Never mix MDMA or psychedelics with SSRIs, MAOIs, or other medications, as it can increase the risk of serotonin syndrome.
  7. Space Out Your Flips
    Give your body time to recover between flips to avoid long-term harm and drug tolerance.
  8. Know the Symptoms of Serotonin Syndrome
    Learn to recognize signs like overheating, confusion, or muscle rigidity, and seek medical help immediately if they occur.

These harm reduction strategies for Jedi and Hippie flips can lower some risks, but the safest choice is to avoid drug flipping altogether.

If you’re ready to stop polydrug abuse, contact Still Detox in Boca Raton, Florida at (561) 556-2677. We’ll help identify the reasons behind your drug use and support you in building a healthier, drug-free life.